What We Do?
Exclusive of DRH Partner in Indonesia, Provide innovative security solutions for our customers, Allow our customers to openly display their merchandise, leading to increased sales.
Become a leading Company in smartphone and tablet retail security System
A history of disruptive innovation.
DRH has a history of recognizing opportunities and reinventing ourselves to build profitable businesses.
Since 1972 InVue has built its leadership position developing innovative products for the video production business, retail music chains, the home office segment, products that secure high theft sell-thru merchandise and most recently retail security protecting mobile electronics devices that are on display in over 90 countries.
This unique track record has been accomplished by hiring great people, aggressively investing profits back into the business and having the courage to disrupt our business even when things were going well.
Company Core Value - 5S
- SPIRIT DRH Team always have a “Yes can do attitude” with a highly motivated spirit , that we believe it can bring the impossible become possible ,and think the unthinkable always with the spirit of do the best and strike for the best
- SUPPORT We believe if we don’t take care of the costumer somebody else will , that’s why with DRH we take care our costumer as our asset , as a part of puzzle that complete our business relationship .so we try to give 100% support , yes it’s true , we think business with our brain .but in DRH ,we think with our brain but we do it with our heart for maximum result
- SPEED In DRH Speed is everything , there’s saying : “is not the big who eat the small , it’s the FAST who eat the slow “ , so we always speed up , and “do today what we wanna do tomorrow “ Persistence and consistent is always be our guideline in maintaining the speed
- SINCERE Wisdom man say , it’s not about winning ,it’s about how you WIN it , In DRH we put sincerely, integrity, responsibility, and dignity above everything
- SMILE In DRH we believe a happy worker is also a happy costumer , that’s why , we try to spread smile attitude in any our business situation , meaning : focus on the business and the best result we can give , but add in a little smile as a finish touch up. A smile is the cheapest and the best medicine for a sorrow heart . Remember no matter how hard your problem are, always start your day with a Smile
Countries where we currently do business
Cities with DRH facilities or offices
Number of patents awarded to DRH